Keeping Your ‘Old Faithful’ Auto Running

At D & R Car Care we’ve had a lot of Statesboro, Dover, and Oliver clients asking how they can make their vehicles last longer. These questions are actually a reflection of a trend that’s been building for several years in GA. The median age of personal vehicles...

Protecting Your pickup From Theft In Statesboro, GA

Every car in Statesboro, GA is at risk for theft. So it’s up to us Statesboro car owners to make our cars a less appealing target and more of a challenge – hopefully sending potential thieves to look elsewhere. The National Insurance Crime Bureau recommends a...

On Board Diagnostics For Your pickup

Make an appointment with D & R Car Care to have your on board diagnostics analyzed. 811 South Main Street Statesboro, GA 30458 912.871.4111 Today we’re going to talk about on-board diagnostics and the questions we hear from folks around Statesboro GA who...

Fall and Spring Checkup In Statesboro

When I was a kid in Statesboro, my dad always made sure he took the cars in for Spring and Fall checkups. I was telling a friend that it’s about time to get into D & R Car Care for my checkup and he said that he read on the internet that modern cars...

Fuel Injection Basics For Statesboro

All modern Statesboro vehicles come with fuel injection systems, so it’s a topic Brooklet auto owners need to know something about. The mighty fuel injector is a valve that delivers the gas or diesel fuel to the right place, in the right amount, at the right time; to...