A responsible driver knows that routine maintenance is the key to a long-lasting car. This includes monitoring the many different fluids in the vehicle. While oil changes and coolant replacements are familiar to most car owners, the importance of your transmission...
If you want to be a safe and confident driver as you navigate the roads at night, you need functioning headlights. Your car headlights are not the first thing you think of when you imagine an indispensable part of a functioning vehicle. However, they’re a critical...
The causes of a flat tire can be from a number of things—sharp objects discarded onto the road, a curb swipe taken a little too roughly, a deep pothole you couldn’t swerve around—but the response is almost always the same: NO! When your tire is irreparable, it can be...
Something is amiss with your car. Recently, you’ve noticed you’re not getting the same mileage you’re used to. And your car’s acceleration has taken a plummet, too… Could something be up? The simple answer: Yes! If you notice some of these signs, there’s a solid...
Imagine driving down one of those familiar Statesboro dirt roads when a deer suddenly jumps out in front of your car. You’ll want your brakes to be functioning correctly to ensure that you and your car remain unharmed. Ensuring your vehicle’s brakes are in working...
Responsible car owners know how to listen to the signs that their car needs to be taken in for a checkup. While you might have been taking your car in for its routine oil change, have you been keeping an eye out for signs of other problems? Have you noticed: Odd...
The cool weather is here, and now is the time to think about tire care tips for your vehicle. Whether you have a truck, sedan, or SUV, taking care of your tires is always something to consider with the weather cooling off. There are some recommended services...
The holidays are quickly approaching, which means many people will be traveling to spend time with their loved ones. If you are planning on taking a holiday road trip to visit your family, it is important to get these parts of your vehicle checked before...
Most vehicle owners have experienced a flat tire, and it is inconvenient and a pain. Our vehicle’s tires are essential. Keeping them in good working order isn’t just a significant safety concern; it also has a financial impact. Understanding these tips can help...
We are pleased to announce that Taylor Driggers has been named the new general manager and co-owner of D & R Car Care. We are very excited to have him take on this new role and continue the legacy of the family-owned auto shop. D & R Car Care will be passed...