
Tire Tread Depth for Statesboro, GA Drivers

Driving on bald tires is like playing roulette. Though you may be fine today, eventually your luck is going to run out. The Feds don’t have any laws for tread depth, but 42 of the states, and all of Canada, do have regulations. They consider two-thirty-seconds...

Automotive Detective Work In Statesboro

There’s a reason we use the word “diagnose” when we talk about fixing cars in Statesboro. Figuring out what’s wrong with your pickup has a lot of similarities to figuring out what’s wrong with someone who is ill. Vehicles are a mass of complex systems that can produce...

How Much is Enough for Brooklet Auto Owners? Tire Tread Depth

Most Brooklet motorists know that tires wear out and that the wear has to do with tread depth. Most of us have heard that “bald” tires are dangerous, but most of us picture a tire with no tread at all when we think of a bald tire. And when we take our vehicles in for...

A Cool and Smooth Transmission in Statesboro

When it comes to preventive maintenance on our vehicles, most of Statesboro auto owners remember to get our oil changed. But auto repair services that occur at longer intervals — like transmission service — sometimes get overlooked. Your transmission relies on...

D & R Car Care Advice On Buying New Tires

Today’s tires and wheels offer a lot of options for every Statesboro driver’s style, habits and driving conditions. Tires are designed for high-performance in winter or summer and even come in a long-wearing variety for all GA seasons. Statesboro off-roaders should be...

Battery Replacement For Your pickup

Modern cars and trucks in and around Statesboro run on 12 volt electrical systems. 12 volts is enough to get the job done for Statesboro drivers without having so much power that there is danger of electrocution. But today’s vehicles have more electrical...