Imagine driving down one of those familiar Statesboro dirt roads when a deer suddenly jumps out in front of your car. You’ll want your brakes to be functioning correctly to ensure that you and your car remain unharmed. Ensuring your vehicle’s brakes are in working order is one of the single most important road safety measures you can take to ensure that your car is road-ready.

Thankfully, D & R Car Care is happy to help you learn what signs to look out for that warn you might have brake issues in the future.

Dashboard Warning Lights

Your dashboard is one of the best indicators for issues that might not be visible or audible. If you notice an ABS (anti-braking system) or brake light warning, this could indicate that your car has detected a problem with parts of your brake system. It may be as simple as low brake fluid, or it could be a more severe problem, such as worn brake pads.

Grinding or Squeaking Noises

Noisy braking should always be a cause of concern, even if it doesn’t exclusively mean you have a problem. In a best-case scenario, it could simply be debris that has trapped itself in your brakes. However, if you hear squeaking or squealing, this could be that your brake pads are beginning to wear. This noise is caused by the sound of the metal of the brake pads coming in contact with your rotor due to brake pad wear.

Make sure to have your brake pads replaced early! Otherwise, you may begin to hear a grinding noise, which means you’ll need a much more costly replacement. This grinding noise means that you have completely worn brake pads, resulting in metal-on-metal grinding every time you brake.

“Spongy” Brakes

A brake that feels soft or offers no resistance is a sign of a severe issue. If you press down on your brake and hit the floorboard, you should immediately bring your car in for service.

These spongy brakes mean that your vehicle has either moisture or air in your brake system, leading to a malfunctioning master cylinder. Take your car in to be checked over. If you’re lucky, you may only need brake fluid.

Car Pulls To One Side

If your car pulls to the side, it could be an indication of a number of different issues, but did you know it could also indicate that your brakes need repair? If one of your brake calipers has broken, then your car will naturally pull to the side that still functions as you stop.

However, there are several different reasons your car may pull to the side, such as issues with your tire alignment. Either way, it’s a good idea to bring your car in if you notice this warning sign!

Odd Smells During a Drive

If you smell a strong odor, such as burning, immediately bring your car in to be checked over. You may have overheated your brakes, and failure to properly address this might result in a complete system failure. If you notice smoke, you should immediately pull over to the side of the road and call for assistance.

Stopping Distance Increase

Keeping yourself, your family, and those around you safe means that you need your brakes to stop quickly and effectively. If you notice that your car is taking longer to come to a stop when you press on your brakes than it usually does, this is a sign that something in your brake system might be beginning to fail.

Unfortunately, this could be any number of issues rendering your brake system less effective. The easiest way to diagnose the issue is to bring your car into an automotive repair shop. Your technician will investigate the issue; you may even catch a problem early enough to avoid much more costly repairs.

Vibrating During Braking

Shaking or vibrating in either your steering wheel or pedals could indicate that something is wrong. Much like squeaking or squealing brakes, this symptom could indicate that your rotor is warped. If you’re lucky, this issue won’t require a complete replacement. It may just mean your rotor is improperly installed. However, if you ignore the problem, an improperly installed rotor might just turn into a broken rotor.

Stop by D & R Car Care for All Your Braking Needs

When safety is your priority, you need a professional mechanic who knows how to do the job. As a full-service auto repair establishment, D & R Car Care is your one-stop shop for any automotive issue. We’ve been working in the Statesboro community since 2000 to offer automotive services that people can trust. We do it right from the moment you walk in the door.

Our fully certified and experienced mechanics can assist with domestic and foreign vehicles. If you’ve noticed any issues with your brakes or believe you need brake repair, we recommend you give us a call! We’re happy to take both scheduled and unscheduled appointments.