A responsible driver knows that routine maintenance is the key to a long-lasting car. This includes monitoring the many different fluids in the vehicle. While oil changes and coolant replacements are familiar to most car owners, the importance of your transmission fluid is often overlooked until transmission failure occurs.

Sealed Transmissions

Though many car manufacturers have chosen to opt for sealed transmissions (which are reported to have transmission fluid that lasts for the transmission’s entire lifespan), older models may still require a smart car owner to monitor their transmission fluid levels and bring their car in for a flush in the event the fluid is contaminated or old.

You can tell if your vehicle has a sealed transmission by checking for a dipstick. If you don’t see one, it’s likely sealed. Only a professional should check the fluid in a sealed transmission. Even experienced DIYers risk costly damage or voiding warranties by trying. Mechanics can typically use a special plug or the car’s computer to check fluid levels safely.

Signs It’s Time for a Transmission Check-Up

If your car does have a sealed transmission, we still recommend that responsible car owners be proactive about their transmissions. If you observe any of the following problems, we highly recommend promptly taking your car in for maintenance.

Issues include but are not limited to:

  • Check Engine light or other dashboard lights turning on
  • Transmission fluid that is blood or rust-colored (if automatic) or nearly black
  • Odor, specifically burning or smoke-like smells
  • Change from standard viscous, oily consistency
  • Gear problems, such as slipping gears or difficulty shifting gears
  • Grinding, rough noises, especially while changing gears in a manual transmission system
  • Sudden lurching forward when stopping
  • Issues with acceleration, such as stalling prior to acceleration
  • Leaks, specifically a reddish fluid located towards the front of the car

While some of these symptoms may simply be a sign of old or contaminated transmission fluid, many of them are instead signs that you need a transmission repair.

What Does Transmission Fluid Do?

Transmission fluid is just one of the many key fluids that allow your car to function at its best. This fluid allows your transmission, whether manual or automatic, to operate smoothly and effectively by lubricating the individual parts during operation. This allows for the ideal amount of friction in the moving parts of your transmission system and removes any debris that could potentially damage your transmission. It also disperses heat that accumulates during operation and cools down your system to avoid overheating or worse.

Automatic vs. Manual Transmissions

Though automatic transmissions have become increasingly popular in the United States, that doesn’t mean manual transmissions have entirely been replaced. Though transmission fluid functions similarly in both styles of transmission, some differences make it essential to keep in mind what style of transmission your car has, as they are not interchangeable.

For example, most manual transmission fluids are amber or brown, while automatic transmission fluid (or ATF) tends to start bright red and fade into a darker red with use. ATF is thinner than manual transmission fluid, which requires a higher viscosity for manual transmission.

The different styles of transmissions will also require different replacement schedules. For manual transmissions, we recommend scheduling a change within 30,000 miles (or 15,000 miles if your car is subjected to heavy-duty use). For automatic transmissions, we recommend changing the fluid every 60,000 miles. Similarly, aim for sooner if your car is subjected to heavy-duty use.

While automatic transmissions allow for extended periods between transmission changes, D & R Car Care strongly encourages drivers to be cautious about allowing themselves to go too long between changes. By maintaining a frequent service schedule and keeping an eye on your car, you can ensure that your vehicle lasts for years to come.

Full-Service Transmission Flushes

If you notice symptoms of transmission issues or simply know your mileage is approaching the point where one is due, D & R Intensive Car Care strongly recommends bringing your car in for a transmission flush. Remember, when in doubt, there is no risk in being proactive and having your transmission fluid replaced early.

Relying upon a trusted automotive repair shop for assistance with your transmission flush is the best way to ensure that your transmission is serviced correctly. Those seeking to perform DIY changes may risk damaging their vehicles, especially if they are unaware their system has a sealed transmission that does not need changes. A DIY job may also not ensure that the contamination that had ruined the previous transmission fluid is cleared out.

D&R Transmission Services

D & R Intensive Car Care’s skilled ASE-certified technicians have worked with all kinds of cars and the varied transmission systems that allow them to function. When you schedule a service with us, we’ll make the process smooth and straightforward, allowing you to be back on the road in no time.

No more fussing over picking the correct transmission fluid for your vehicle, no more stressing about disposing of the used fluid. We’ll handle the entire process and guarantee your transmission is running as smoothly as the day you bought it. D & R Car Care is here to provide the best service available for you and your car. Schedule your service today.