The Danger of These 5 Common Tire Problems

The Danger of These 5 Common Tire Problems

Your tires are the backbone of your car. They carry your car’s entire weight, gripping onto the road whether rain or shine. Well-maintained tires keep you safe and secure as you hurtle down the road at high speeds. Keep an eye out for these five problems that might...
Winter Tires

Winter Tires

Winter Tires, All-Season Tires, or All Weather Tires? Here in the heart of Southeast Georgia, it is easy to understand why drivers might be unsure of the best type of tire to purchase. There are benefits to the various types of tires, and each is designed and...
How To Buy Tires: An Easy 3 Step Guide

How To Buy Tires: An Easy 3 Step Guide

For new car owners, few aspects of car ownership can be as intimidating as buying new tires. With dozens of places to purchase, hundreds of tire brands, and thousands of styles available, it is no wonder. But your first tire purchase doesn’t have to be...
How to Read Tire Size

How to Read Tire Size

What do the numbers on tires mean? Car owners, new and old alike, are often baffled by the numbers and symbols on the side of their tires. It’s important, however, for drivers to understand what these numbers mean and how to read tire size. Especially if those...